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Retrieval Augmented Generation

How to build a terrible RAG system

If you've seen any of my work, you know that the main message I have for anyone building a RAG system is to think of it primarily as a recommendation system. Today, I want to introduce the concept of inverted thinking to address how we should approach the challenge of creating an exceptional system.

What is inverted thinking?

Inversion is the practice of thinking through problems in reverse. It's the practice of “inverting” a problem - turning it upside down - to see it from a different perspective. In its most powerful form, inversion is asking how an endeavor could fail, and then being careful to avoid those pitfalls. [1]

With the advent of large language models (LLM), retrival augmented generation (RAG) has become a hot topic. However throught the past year of helping startups integrate LLMs into their stack I've noticed that the pattern of taking user queries, embedding them, and directly searching a vector store is effectively demoware.

What is RAG?

Retrival augmented generation (RAG) is a technique that uses an LLM to generate responses, but uses a search backend to augment the generation. In the past year using text embeddings with a vector databases has been the most popular approach I've seen being socialized.


Simple RAG that embedded the user query and makes a search.

So let's kick things off by examining what I like to call the 'Dumb' RAG Model—a basic setup that's more common than you'd think.